The Author Website
As you may have noticed, I have a website here. Shocking, I know! What you may not know is that I started building the website before I even started writing the book.
My day job consists of many things to do with websites – working on them, building them, helping people with theirs – so naturally I knew I’d need a website for the book.
The domain name ( was purchased years ago, as an alternative to my personal blog’s domain for a job hunt that I did back in 2009. Since I still owned the domain, I figured that my writing persona would be M. Jandreau, and opted to start building the site here.
Building the website myself has been a fun experience. I’ve been able to use some great existing software (WordPress), and a bunch of add-ons (called plugins) that are specific for authors that I’ve never had the chance to use before.
The site’s using a number of cool things – newsletter manager, download tracking, client testimonials, event managers, and book managers. It’s helped me get the site all ready for everything I’d need to manage it and sell my book.
I’ve also done some behind the scenes work so that when/if I release a second book, I can easily transition into having this whole website about a single book to having and selling multiple books.
It’s been a fun (and necessary) experience, and at this point I’m mostly done. I just need the cover art and to start selling the book so I can get the links on the homepage (which I realize by the time you may read this, will have already been done) to finish up.