Just about halfway through
I’ve been chugging away at doing my first read through and am just about halfway there. It’s such a surreal experience to read your own work, especially since I’ve been reading it on the iPad.
Though I decided the other day that once I’m done with Austin’s edits (which should hopefully be soon), I’m going to print a hard copy to markup with my changes. I’ve been finding things as I’m reading through that would be easier to just jot down on paper, and go back and make those changes. Nothing major, but little things here and there: this reads funny, this character was taller earlier. That sort of stuff.
I also started interviewing some editors through a number of online services, and will hopefully be able to nail that down before I’m done with the actual first draft.
The whole process is taking quite a bit longer than I anticipated and I still have quite a bit of work to go. But I’ll get there. Seeing as how I don’t have a deadline or a publisher to report to, there’s no immediate rush on getting everything done at a specific date or time. Being my own “boss” has its rewards.