Will editing ever end?!
The longer and longer the editing process takes, the more and more I feel like it’s never going to end. It seems like we’ve been editing for months. In some aspects, we have, but it feels like a lot longer than it actually has taken.
My buddy Austin, you know him — the one that’s doing the editing — has been finishing up his Master’s Degree, which is why he hasn’t had a lot of time to finish reading and putting together his edits. I think he finishes up this week, which should allow him some more time to get things done.
I’ve been reading through some chapters in random order myself from time to time. Reading the chapters on their own, and not chronologically, has given me some good insight into each chapter on its own. It’s allowed me to see whether or not the story in that chapter is written well enough to stand on its own.
I haven’t officially written any edits on those chapters myself. My plan is to wait until Austin’s edits are done and then read through the whole thing on my own again. That’ll give me some more insight into the story as a whole, to make sure that I’m comfortable with it before I send it off to a select handful of people I know to read and give their feedback on.
Hopefully I’ll have that process done by the end of June. I’ll gather their feedback in July, incorporate that by mid-July, get it off to a story editor and get it back to finish the last draft by September.
I’ll record the audio book version in early September, and get it all for sale.
All in all, not a bad project for 2013. Keep myself busy, put out a book, and check off something on my bucket list all at once. Not a bad 2013 at all.