I’ve been chugging away at the edits that Austin sent over before he left for a vacation in Greece (I know, I’m jealous too!) and I’d guesstimate I’m a little less than halfway through the list of edits he had.
So far I’ve trimmed a few thousand words out through the various edits, which I think is good.
Going back through and editing has allowed me to read a lot of the actual book myself.Ā It’s helped me realize that there’s some changes I’d like to make.
Most notably, I want to change my lead female’s name — for reasons I won’t get into here.
I also want to change the name of the band — as a placeholder I’ve been using Resolute Resolve, which makes no sense and is flat-out stupid.Ā I’ve known since I started writing that this would be a placeholder, I just have to spend the time to come up with a different name.
I need to revisit describing some of the characters — I’ve done this twice so far already, but need to do it again as now months after writing some of the characters I’m having a hard time remembering what I wanted them to look like.
The story needs some work — there’s certain keys that I wanted to hit to make sure that the end is really powerful.Ā It’s not a twist in the traditional sense, but I think the ending comes as somewhat of a surprise.Ā My hopes is that I pulled it off well, but I know that there’s some work that needs to be done.
I’m still pretty well on schedule for where I wanted to be at this time.Ā I’m hopeful that when Austin gets back from vacation we can plow through the rest of the edits, and then I can use my (fancy new) printer to fire off a printed copy to mark up with a pen.
I was hoping I could do that on the plane on the way to my vacation at the end of the month, but I don’t think that’ll work out with the timing.Ā Perhaps I’m wrong, but time will tell.