I’m super happy to report that the feedback I’ve been getting from beta readers has, so far, been unanimously positive!

One reader, who’s read all of my other work, said, “This is my new favorite book of yours.” I take that as such a compliment. I can’t even put it into words. Another also said it might be her favorite.

I was skeptical of the first draft. I won’t lie to you. Not after all this time we’ve spent together, dear reader. I finished it, set it aside for a week, and then read it through, end to end. I felt it needed more. You know my work, right? There’s usually a big reveal or an aha moment. I, personally, didn’t feel like there was a big enough thing at the end of the book.

But it didn’t seem to matter. I’ve gotten feedback from 60% of the beta readers I sent the first draft, and they unanimously all loved it. To me, that means I should trust my gut more. That, perhaps, my process of “just write it until you think you’re done” continues to work. This crazy way I write things, without planning anything out, without picking names or places or events, without any forethought about how it’ll end. That all of this insanity in my writing process just works.

I know what you’re thinking; what about the underground bunker in Dudley Road? To which I say, “You’ll never let me live that down, will you?” I still kick myself over that, but refuse to edit the book and either take it out or explain it at the reveal at the end of the book. I made my bed, and I’ll lie in it. I never claimed to be perfect, and Dudley Road was certainly not the norm in what I write. And don’t worry, I’ll (probably) never try to write another “scary” story. It’s just not my cup of tea. But I’ll read Stephen King’s books until the day I die.

What’s next? Glad you asked.

I’ll wait for the rest of the feedback to come in, then likely read it through one more time, seeing if there’s anything I want to change.

Artwork is already in process and a copyeditor has been hired to find any misspellings or grammatically incorrect sentences.

I’m still debating if I want to do an audiobook version or not. The audiobook of Dudley Road didn’t sell well enough to recoup the cost and time I put into it, so I’m on the fence. I’m leaning toward not doing it, if I’m being honest.

The estimated release date for My Best Friend, Marty is March 14th, 2024. It’s a special day to me, which I’ll explain when that day gets here.

One Comment

    • Samantha Hulter

    • 1 year ago

    I liked Dudley Rd, but I do agree your writing style is definitely meant for more of the My Best Friend, Marty style. I love your best friend books! Like Sour Chord and My Last Days. I highly suggest you keep writing these cozy best friends books! You’re so talented and I’m so excited to keep seeing your work in the future! Maybe best friends who travel the world together as influencers? Strangers to best friends to lovers (even though they actually try to date other people and possibly even one is engaged but cannot deny their love for each other)? Whatever your next book is, I’m sure it will be great since you keep growing with each book! Cannot wait to spread the word of My Best Friend, Marty to friends and family!

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